Pine Island Cheese Festival Craft & Vendor Market Registration
Downloadable Paper Copy of Craft & Vendor Registration
Rules and Regulations
– Coordinator assumes no risk and shall not be responsible for any damage, injury, loss, or expenses that may arise or come to the exhibitor, their employees, property or goods, or to the public from any cause whatsoever. Exhibitor understands that he/she should carry personal/business liability insurance. Overnight security will be provided by the festival.
– Exhibitor space is not considered until the fee, application form, and certificate of compliance are received.
– Applications will then be reviewed for approval or denial by the coordinator. This will help to avoid competition among businesses. NOTE: Only one exhibitor from each business name will be permitted to exhibit at this event (i.e. one Tupperware, one Mary Kay, etc.). The number of similar businesses will also be limited. (i.e. exhibitors selling jewelry).
– A $15 administrative fee will be assessed for cancellations received by May 16, 2025.
– No refunds after May 15, 2025.
– Space is limited. Early registration is encouraged.
– Each space is outdoors and is located behind Island Market (grocery store) at Trailhead Park.
– One space = 10’ x 12’
– You must provide your own table/display items and tent/easy up/shelter if needed/wanted.
Vending Cost
– Both days (10×12′ space): $75
– Additional spots: $40
Setup Times
Check in at the registration tent when you arrive. You will be assigned a location at that time.
If documentation and payment is not received by Friday May 16th, 2025, EVEN if you have submitted this online form (unless you have talked to organizer) but you didn’t include everything with your submission; you will be removed from the vendor list and since space is limited your spot will be given to another vendor.
Take down is Sunday Afternoon after 4pm. NO earlier
Be descriptive. This will be what is put on the website to describe what you are selling.
Pine Island Cheese Festival Grand Parade Registration
The Pine Island Cheese Festival is excited to announce our 2025 Grand Parade. We hope each and every one of you will take the opportunity to participate in this event and join us as we celebrate the city we call home and the 89th year of Cheese Fest. The parade will begin on Sunday, June 08, 2025 at 1:00 PM. Line-up begins at 11:00am
General Rules
– Entries in the parade must adhere to line-up times. This information will be communicated prior to the festival.
– A valid driver’s license and insurance information for the unit will be required at check-in for units that are motorized.
– Unless approved prior to the parade, vehicle count is limited to 4 vehicles per unit.
– Please keep the parade moving and avoid large gaps between units. All units are required to maintain a forward motion.
– All units will refrain from squirting water.
– Entries with animals must provide their own clean up.
– In the event of heavy rain, lightning, thunder, and/or hail, the parade will be delayed up to one hour. If there is a break in the weather, as determined from the present conditions, weather reports, and the discretion of the parade committee, the parade will start in its scheduled order. If the weather remains severe, the parade will be canceled.
– Paid parade entries in attendance will be paid if the parade if cancelled. If your entry is not present, you will not be paid.
– All units need to stop by the yellow Lions check-in tent between 11AM-Noon to sign in and get a line-up position.
– The tent is located at the corner of 1st Ave SE and 2nd St SE. (American Legion property/main entrance of PI High School).
– Line-up begins at the corner of 3rd St SE and 3rd Ave SE. Line-up streets include 3rd Ave SE (N+S), and 4th St SE (E+W)
– The parade route travels N along Main St to 3rd St NW. At that intersection it turns W toward Pine Haven Care Center.
– End point is Collins Park at the corner of 3rd St NW and 3rd Ave NW. Make arrangements to pick up marchers at Collins Park.
– For-profit businesses must have their entry fees paid prior to marching. You may do so in person by check, or by mail PO Box 217 Pine Island, MN 55963.
– Paid units can pick up their fees at the yellow check-in tent prior to marching.
Pine Island Cheese Festival Food Vendor Application
Thank you for your interest in becoming a food vendor in the 2025 Pine Island Cheese Festival!
Please take a moment to review the below information for complete details on how you can participate in this year’s event, planned for June 6 – June 8, 2025.
General information
The Pine Island Cheese Festival will take place at the Trailhead Park in Pine Island, Minnesota. This is an outdoor festival that will be held rain or shine. Annual attendance at the festival is estimated at over 5,000 for the weekend. Up to 20 booth spaces will be available for food vendors, depending on available space.
Application Procedure
1. Complete the Food Vendor Application by April 26, 2025, to be considered for participation.
2. The Cheese Festival Committee will then review all applications and select which applications will be approved for space. The committee’s decision is based on the needs of the festival and is final.
3. Vendors will be notified of their acceptance or denial in a timely manner.
4. Accepted vendors will receive a confirmation packet and set up information in May.
General Rules and Regulations
1. All food vendors are responsible for their own booth set up.
2. No generators will be allowed unless there is a loss of power to festival grounds.
3. No booth sharing is allowed.
4. Each vendor is responsible for securing their booth. The Festival is not responsible for any loss or theft that may occur.
5. Vendors are responsible for removing any trash or food waste/products from their booth area. Vendors are expected to use the dumpsters that will be provided. Vendors are prohibited from dumping their waste products
in the small waste bins that are available for customers.
6. Vendors must notify the festival immediately of cancellation. Refunds, minus a $25 processing fee, will be issued for cancellations prior to April 26. No refunds will be given for cancellations after this date.
7. Vendors must provide their full menu as part of the application.
8. Vendors will only be allowed to sell the menu items that are approved by the festival. If a vendor is found to be selling alternate items, they will be asked to cease and desist the sale of those products immediately. If this is
refused, vendors will be required to leave immediately without refund and will not be considered for participation in future Cheese Festival events.
9. Carnival has all rights to corn dogs, mini doughnuts and cotton candy. Any vendor selling these items will be asked to cease and desist the sale of those products immediately. If this is refused, vendors will be required to leave immediately without refund and will not be considered for participation in future Cheese Festival events.
10. Vendors must abide by all regulations as outlined by the State of Minnesota for Food Vendors. The Food Inspector will be on-site at some point during the festival. You will be expected to be present when the inspector is present. We are beholden to their schedule.
11. This is an outdoor festival that takes place rain or shine. In the event of emergency weather or other emergency situations, your unit MUST be able to be moved at a moment’s notice.
12. Vendors must adhere to the setup time window as assigned. Failure to set up during the setup time assigned may result in a fine of $75. Set up time will be Thursday between 10am-4pm. Each vendor will get an email closer to the event with their specified time. If you fail to show up during your window, you will forfeit your spot without a refund.
13. Vendors will have all cars/ vehicles removed from grounds by 10:00 am each day. Vendors will be open for business the following hours: Friday 11:30am-11:00pm, Saturday 11:00am to 11:00pm, Sunday 11:00am to 7:00pm. There will be spaces reserved to load/unload behind the creamery with a time limit of 20 minutes as of 10:30 am Fri/Sat/Sun. Please remove all vehicles from this area as soon as you are done with the loading/unloading process. Available parking spaces will be assigned to you and emailed to you prior to festival’s start.
14. All vendors must follow local and state health regulations as well as electrical and plumbing codes. The food committee reserves the right to remove any booth from the festival that is not following necessary codes or regulations, including unapproved hoses and cords.
15. No vendor shall empty, dump, pour, spill, or leak ANY substance onto any sidewalk, portable toilet, grass, lawn, street or body of water, including storm sewers for rain or the river itself, for any reason (this includes hot coffee, cold coffee, soapy water, grease (hot or cold), or ice water). Violations of this rule will be subject vendor to a fine of $2,500.00 by the Pine Island Cheese Festival, the vendor will be required to leave immediately without refund, and an indefinite suspension from any future invitations to any Cheese Festival sponsored events. Recycling dumpsters will be available and mandatory for all recyclable materials. If these recycling dumpsters are not utilized, there will be a fee of $100 per offense and you will not be asked to return for subsequent festivals.
16. If vendor has a heating appliance for the purpose of cooking, then vendor shall have a fully charged and operable fire extinguisher. All vendors who have electrical appliances shall take precautions required by the Uniform Building Code and the State Inspectors to avoid electrical shock to themselves and their
17. Vendor shall submit a copy of their insurance certificate, evidencing general liability coverage of not less than $1,000,000 (one million dollars) naming Pine Island Cheese Festival and City of Pine Island as additional named insureds. If an insurance certificate evidencing proper limits of insurance and listing the above named as
additional named insureds is not provided, vendor will not be allowed to set up and the fee will be forfeited. If you have employees, you must have Workman’s Compensation Insurance and provide a copy of insurance coverage; this can be shown on the certificate of liability insurance.
18. Vendors who handle food in any form shall have, on location, a means of washing hands with soap and water, and disposable towels. Vendor shall be required to comply with all “Standards for Itinerant Food Stands”
as set forth by the Minnesota Department of Health.
19. If rules are not followed, booth entrants will not be allowed to return to a future event and may be required to leave immediately without refund.
20. Overnight camping has limited availability in Pine Island. We recommend Hidden Meadows RV Park, Shades of Sherwood Campground, Tilly’s American Traveler RV Park, or the Goodhue County Fairgrounds in
21. Vendors must be very specific on how many feet you register for including bumper to hitch, making sure you reserve room for any doors, awnings, freezer, or other equipment used outside the trailer. If you are not able to operate because you didn’t reserve enough space, we will not be asking your neighbors to move and you will not be refunded.
Important Electrical Information
Please be advised that all vendors at festivals and events such as Pine Island Cheese Festival are subject to inspection by the Minnesota State Electrical Inspector. Power connections are in limited supply. Please be as specific as possible regarding your electrical needs for the
Pine Island Cheese Festival. Power requirements of the vendor applicants will be taken into consideration for acceptance. You will only be allowed to connect to the amount of power noted and paid for with your application, under the direction of festival set-up personnel.
Minnesota Department of Health Information
The State of Minnesota requires that all food vendors at events such as Pine Island Cheese Festival have a vending license. If you do not have a Food Vendor License, please contact the Minnesota Department of Health; specify that you are in need of a Special Event Food Stand License and have your food item information
ready. Your license will need to be displayed in your unit during the Pine Island Cheese Festival.
MN ST-19 Operator Certificate of Compliance
We are required by the State of Minnesota to get written evidence that people who do business at shows such as the Pine Island Cheese Festival have a valid Minnesota Tax ID number. If a seller is not required to have a
Minnesota Tax ID number, the seller must give the operator a written statement in the form of an Operator Certificate of Compliance.
Liability Insurance Waiver
It is hereby agreed and understood that the vendor will carry the necessary licenses and insurance covering booths, equipment and other property used by the vendor during the Pine Island Cheese Festival and hereby exonerates Pine Island Cheese Festival, all committees, the City of Pine Island, and officials and members of
these names, from all liability of any nature while said business is conducted.